Quarterly Essay

Quarterly Essay is the leading agenda-setting journal of politics and culture in Australia.

Established in 2001, Quarterly Essay presents the widest range of political, intellectual and cultural opinion, and aims to foster debate. It offers a forum for original long-form investigations, profiles and arguments. Each issue contains a single long-form essay, followed by correspondence on previous essays.

Quarterly Essay has always been at the forefront of cultural discussion, with award-winning essays including Political Animal and Power Trip by David Marr; That Sinking Feeling by Paul Toohey; and Stop at Nothing by Annabel Crabb. Authors include Tim Flannery, Don Watson, Robyn Davidson, Germaine Greer, Robert Manne, George Megalogenis, Laura Tingle, Anna Krien, Waleed Aly, Inga Clendinnen, David Malouf and Noel Pearson.

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Our readers are highly educated, socially aware, and interested in culture and Australia’s constantly shifting political landscape. They are professional people with refined tastes.
